Chats with Two Dyslexics
Chats with Two Dyslexics is a podcast about the power of human connections and storytelling. It’s a blend of listener call-ins, interviews and pop culture. Want to break free from self-limiting beliefs? To feel more in control of your life? Want to learn how to experience all of your feelings and develop empathy for others? To feel content regardless of your life circumstances? We know what it’s like to feel like a misfit and we know the freedom and peace that come when you are seen and heard and supported when living in your truth. We know the frustration of feeling helpless and the power that comes from changing your mindset as you plow a new path for yourself. We are your cheerleaders. We are your community. And we are kind of funny.
Chats with Two Dyslexics
3 Mistakes to Avoid When Talking to Someone With Dyslexia
Andrea & Jeremiah
Season 3
Episode 3
Chatsw2dyslexics is a podcast that aims to inspire, inform, entertain and empower. (buymeacoffee.com)
Jeremiah helps navigate the world of dyslexia with humor and understanding. He shares personal experiences and practical strategies for those with dyslexia and their loved ones. This episode tackles common myths and explores ways to offer support.
Chats with Two Dyslexics (chatswith2dyslexics.com)
5 things not to say to your child about dyslexia (understood.org)
Social Media
Chats with 2 Dyslexics (@chatswith2dyslexics) • Instagram photos and videos